Sunday, November 8, 2009

3rd Batch

Salam semua

Hari ni I've placed another USANA order untuk diri sendiri dan untuk a few people including my beloved mak. Period yours truly untuk bulan ni (coz this is my period after consuming USANA for the past 1 month), Alhamdulillah ada improvement. Walaupun yours truly tidak menghadapi masalah period irregular or what so ever, tetapi semenjak keguguran tahun lepas, I feel that my period is not like what I use to have. Sendiri boleh rasa.

On another note, my husband semenjak ambik USANA ni feels that his right ankle inflammation getting much much better, Alhamdulillah.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Another USANA Story

Salam semua

As usual, I text my niece asking her latest update after taking USANA Nutrimeal almost a week now.

Me : Salam Sha ! Ada perubahan tak lepas amik Nutrimeal ?

Sha : Wa'alaikumussalam Mak Cu ! Rasa nak mengunyah dah kurang. Kalau tak pepagi or after lunch rasa sleepy tapi lepas amik Nutrimeal memang hilang terus.

Alhamdulillah, sharing is caring.
Interested, do email me at


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