Love them so muchhhh !!!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Weekend Yang Busy !!!
Masih lagi berkisar tentang sesi persekolahan yang dah nak start tak lama lagi ni. Tulah, baju dan buku sekolah anak-anak semuanya dah settle, tapi ada benda lain pulak nak kena buat. Buku nak kena balut, lencana nak kena jahit kat baju dan tudung, nak jahit tudung pulak supaya tak terlalu ketat atau longgar. Nak matikan jahitan kat poket seluar dan baju supaya tak cepat koyak, maklumlah budak-budak kalau tak buat macam tu, tunggulah sebulan dua, panjang ke bawah jadi poket tu, sabar je lah.
Lepas tu kenalah ke hypermarket, beli stok makanan pulak. Butter, jem, biskut, cereal, fresh milk, milo, kismis, badam, pasta, sos pasta, tepung gandum dan macam macam lagi kehendak anak-anak. Belanja zaman sekarang amatlah kasar.
Pendaftaran sekolah di BBBangi ni start pada 31 Disember 2012, so hari Rabu tu takde lah tergesa-gesa nak hantar anak-anak plus urusan pendaftaran. So, on Wednesday just send them straight to school. Ini tugasan En. Suami coz I need to rush to the office very early in the morning :( .. just can't imagine the traffic jam grrrrrr.
IA will be schooling at SMK Jalan 4 together with HS. IM will remain at SKBB Jalan 2.
Another busy year after 2012 coz HS will be sitting for his PMR 2013.
Ya Allah ! I'm seeking for Your Guidance and Blessing and please give me strenght and patience. Amin
School Countdown !!!
School holiday has come to an end. Another year comes to a close. May Allah give us the strength and patience to face future challenges and to become a better Muslim/Muslimah.
Anyway, preparation for the new term of school almost complete. Back to school means its time to face the massive traffic jam again, wake up really early in the morning coz during school holiday, you can just take all the time as you wish but still, you can reach office on time. Speaking about that, I need to re-adjust my sleeping pattern.
School checklist :
1. Uniform - checked
2. Book - checked
3. Tuition registration - checked
4. School fee - upon registration.
Happy Schooling To All !!!
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