Alhamdulillah, after contemplating for quite sometime, I finally made my decision to use the product as well as become its member. May Allah grant my wishes for better health, Insyaallah.
Why I choose USANA ? Because it is listed in the physicians desk reference in USA, British Pharmacopia and various MIMs.

I'm taking Essential and Proflavanol. Essential comes with a bottle of Antioxidant and Multivitamins. It provides a broad range of essential vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and other micronutrient.
Proflavanol contains high concentrations of grape seed extract (30 mg in each tablet) and other natural antioxidants. It supports the body's fight against free-radical damage with powerful free-radical scavengers.
Hadis : Usamah bin Syuraik
"Aku berada di sisi Rasulullah, tiba-tiba datanglah beberapa orang Arab Badwi dan mereka berkata, "Ya Rasulullah adakah kami diizinkan berubat ?"
Rasulullah berkata, " Wahai hamba-hamba Allah, berubatlah kerana sesungguhnya Allah tidak meletakkan sesuatu penyakit melainkan Allah meletakkan ubat baginya kecuali satu sahaja ! "
Mereka bertanya, " Apakah itu Ya Rasulullah ?
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w berkata " Penyakit tua "
Hadis ini diceritakan oleh Imam Bukhari, Ahmad, Abu Daud, Ibn Majah, An Nasai dan Tarmidzi.
Have a nice day !!!
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